It is important to pay attention before you enter any place. A lot of the time you may find a line of shoes outside the door and have to proceed barefoot. More commonly in hospitals or public bathrooms you might find crocs/sandals outside the door to switch into to keep dirt and dust out of the room.
Other than keeping things clean. A theory for why taking off shoes is a big deal in Thailand has to do with how they believe the head is where the spirit lives. Which means because the feet are furthest away from the body they are the least spirit filled and clean. This is why it is thought that shoes should b removed before entering temples.
There is a lot of walking around barefoot in Thailand which is weird to get used to. Especially if you have an issue with feet or other people's feet. At the same time it is very interesting and awesome to see how important cleanliness and respect is to them.
Thank you,
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